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International Student Application Process

  1. Complete the application.

    • pay $250 application fee

    • There is an additional $665 registration fee to be paid later

    • Birth Certificate – in English

    • School Transcripts

    • Current Photo (This is very important, the student will not be accepted without it.)

  2. Enrollment Forms – Turn these in to HAA Registrar

    • Download and fill out all Enrollment Forms

    • Provide results of an English proficiency test (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)

    • Fill out the required Immunization Form

    • You will be given the ELL Director’s (Ms. Noverola) SKYPE information and you will have an interview and assessment with her.

  3. Home Stay information 

    It is necessary for all students to have a Home Stay family in the area, students will stay with them for vacation breaks, Thanksgiving (one week), Christmas break (two weeks), Spring break (one week), emergencies, illness, etc. 

    The Home Stay family will also be responsible for transportation from airport if the student does not provide HAA his or her traveling plans on a timely basis. The Home Stay family must be verified by the school before HAA can send the I-20 form.

    There are three agencies that HAA recommends that can help you with the Home Stay family process:

    You may use any agency you choose. These are recommendations; however, whichever agency your use must send verification of the Home Stay to HAA before the school can release the I-20 form.



   4.  Financial Contract and full payment for the whole school year.

        The I-20 and F- 1 Visa will be mailed after the payment has been received


   5. Submit Academic Transcript

        In order to ensure the most appropriate grade level and course selection for your student, you will be required to         submit an official evaluation of your student’s academic transcripts. This process can be done through one of the         professional agencies listed below. Please keep in mind that there is a processing fee involved that you will be               responsible for. Upon completion of this step, we look forward to proceeding with the admissions steps    

       on behalf of your student.


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